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Continuous Learning Toolkit

Continuous Learning

The social sector faces constantly evolving needs and limited resources. To make a lasting impact, continuous learning is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. In the age of information overload, everyone is struggling to keep pace with rapid change, leaving individuals and organizations vulnerable to falling behind. Can we find our way out of it? Yes!!! 

Welcome to the Continuous Learning Section. 

Continuous Learning generally refers to the ability and motivation to actively and consistently acquire new knowledge, skills, and understanding throughout your life. It goes beyond traditional learning experiences and emphasizes a self-driven, lifelong approach to personal and professional development. By staying abreast of research, new approaches, and emerging technologies, social workers, non-profit leaders, and advocates can maximize their effectiveness. To know about what, why and how of continuous learning, Click here.

Take this self assessment test to understand your continuous learning strengths and areas for improvement.


Professional Learning Courses
Short term courses are a trend that's going to stay for a long time. These courses could be classroom based, online or hybrid, depending on your preference and schedule. They help tremendously to grow domain knowledge and usually come with a credential such as a certificate or a digital badge that can be mentioned on your resume. These sources and their notification also helps in sticking to the habit of learning.

Newsletters and Blogs
Blogs written by Industry professionals or experts help us in understanding current trends and also provide us with first hand insight. Since most of the newsletters are directly delivered to our inbox, it makes it a great medium of learning.

Attending Webinars and Workshops
Most of the industry conducts Webinars and Workshops by Subject Matter Experts and Thought Leaders from the domain. These are usually focused on specific problem areas or topics. These events are also great places to meet like minded professionals, which can facilitate social learning. Phicus Social Solutions does regular workshops, go can check the home page for the updates.

Networking on LinkedIn
Social Learning is one of the most effective ways to learn something new and in that case network becomes very important. LinkedIn is a great platform for networking and discovering professionals who have made it to the top in your domain. You can ask them for career-related advice, about their career choices, and for any career opportunities that they might have for you. Actively following industry thought leaders can also add to your daily learning while you simply scroll through social media or LinkedIn.

Podcasts are the latest and the easiest way to learn something new. Since podcasts are audio based we can engage with them anywhere, anytime. We can use podcasts while walking or doing household chores. Podcasts can nearly be found for every business field these days. You just need to pick the one that suits your needs.

  1. Set Personal Learning Goals: Define what you want to learn and achieve in your professional journey. These goals will guide your continuous learning journey.
  2. Diversify Sources: Explore a variety of learning sources, including books, podcasts, online courses, workshops, and mentorship programs.
  3. Create a Learning Routine: Dedicate fixed time each day or week to learning. Block out time in your schedule specifically for learning activities.Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of continuous learning .
  4. Continuously Seek Feedback: Seek honest feedback from peers, mentors, and team members. Constructive criticism is a valuable source of learning.
  5. Network and Collaborate: Engage with peers and experts in your field. Networking can expose you to fresh ideas and different perspectives.
  6. Document Your Learning: Keep a journal or digital record of your learning journey. This can help you track progress and reflect on your growth.
  7. Mentor Others: Sharing your knowledge and experience with others not only benefits them but reinforces your own learning.
  8. Practice & Apply Learnings: Actively implement what you learn into your daily work and projects.