• .. Video 11 - 15 mins 11 - 15 mins

"Fixed vs Growth Mindset : 15 Key Differences You Need to Know"

Two human face one having  growing plant and another showing dead plant replentative of growth and fixed mindset

Our mindsets can limit us, just like fleas conditioned to a jar's lid. Societal expectations and a fixed mindset, believing abilities are set, can hinder our potential. Carol Dweck's "Mindset" explains the growth mindset alternative. Here, people see abilities as evolving and embrace challenges to learn. They're not afraid to look silly while acquiring knowledge. Success is about the journey of improvement, not proving inherent intelligence. They take responsibility for their growth and view effort as the key to mastery. This applies to relationships, where growth is seen as possible, and businesses, where growth-minded leaders value diverse ideas and foster a learning environment. Click to learn.