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What does a successful digital transformation require?

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In her article, Rekha Koita outlines six key factors for a successful digital transformation in nonprofits, based on insights from the Koita Foundation’s work with over 20 organizations. The CEO’s commitment to a clear digital vision is critical, as their active involvement inspires the team and ensures consistent application of new processes. Initial efforts should focus on digitizing front-end processes with visible impact, creating momentum by delivering tangible results within six to nine months. Refining existing processes before digitizing them prevents inefficiencies and enhances the effectiveness of new tools.
End-user involvement during the design phase ensures that the technology aligns with their needs, improving adoption and enthusiasm. A cross-functional team, led by a forward-thinking leader, should oversee various aspects of the project, from design to implementation. Finally, a phased rollout plan with ongoing support is essential, including user training and post-implementation engagement to address issues promptly. Recognizing and rewarding users who effectively adopt the new system can further drive its success. These strategies collectively ensure that digital transformation not only improves operations but also enhances the overall impact of nonprofits. Click here to read