• .. Video 11 - 15 mins 11 - 15 mins

Social Media Advocacy 2020

An image of several people facing forward, holding placards and informational boards in their hands


How to Use Social Media for Effective Advocacy with Cassidy Murray | Global Changemakers. Using social media for effective advocacy involves strategic planning and understanding your audience, as outlined by Cassidy Murray and Global Changemakers. Know exactly what you want to achieve and how? Is it by raising awareness, mobilizing action, or influencing policy? Determine how you will measure success, whether through engagement metrics, follower growth, or actual policy changes. Identify Your Audience demographics, and create a tailored message using the right platforms for the right audience. Different social media platforms cater to different audiences. For instance, Instagram and TikTok are great for visual content and younger audiences, while LinkedIn is suitable for professional and policy-oriented content. Content needs to be adapted to the style and strengths of the platform that is used and creating Use of images, videos, and personal stories to make your content more relatable and shareable is key. Calls to action could include encouraging your audience to take specific actions, such as signing petitions, sharing content, or attending events. Building a Community and Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and acknowledge contributions from your audience. Partner with influencers, organizations, and advocates who share your goals to amplify your message. Consistency and Authenticity by maintaining a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience and more… to learn. Look at the video for deeper understanding of strategies to plan ahead for your next social media Campaign.  Click here to watch