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How to Conduct a Behavioral Interview

How Two people having conversation over coffee with caption "How to Conduct a Behavioral Interview

The video "How to Conduct a Behavioral Interview" on YouTube provides a detailed guide for interviewers on effectively conducting behavioral interviews. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the candidate’s past behavior as a predictor of future performance. It suggests starting with a clear understanding of the competencies required for the job and crafting questions that elicit detailed responses about the candidate's past experiences. Interviewers are advised to use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure their questions and encourage candidates to provide comprehensive answers. The video also highlights the necessity of active listening and probing for more details to ensure the responses are thorough and relevant. Additionally, it underscores the importance of creating a comfortable environment for the interviewee to promote honest and open communication. By following these strategies, interviewers can gain deeper insights into the candidate’s abilities and suitability for the role, ultimately making more informed hiring decisions. This structured approach to interviewing helps in assessing the real-world application of skills and behaviors that are critical to job performance.

For more detailed insights, you can watch the full video here.