• .. Video 11 - 15 mins 11 - 15 mins

Change Management | Meaning | Types | Triggers | Reaction

Two different direction shown in red and green

Change, in organizations, refers to a shift from one state to another.  It's often driven by a need to adapt to internal or external factors. Internal triggers include leadership changes, mergers, or restructuring. External factors encompass political, economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental, and legal influences.  Organizations can make incremental changes, small adjustments, or transformational changes, large-scale shifts impacting the entire organization.  Regardless of type, change can trigger various employee reactions, from acceptance to resistance.  Management plays a crucial role in navigating this process, by explaining the change, addressing concerns, and potentially negotiating with employee unions.  Successful negotiation can lead to compromises and a smoother transition for everyone involved. Click to watch.