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4 Key Factors for Improving Knowledge Management in NGOs

Mindmap Knowledge Management

A report by Esade Institute for Social Innovation and PwC Foundation argues that NGOs need to invest in knowledge management to increase their social influence. The report identifies four key factors that contribute to successful knowledge management: organizational culture, leadership style, technology tools, and structure and organizational processes. An organizational culture that fosters creativity and knowledge sharing is crucial. This can be achieved by creating a safe environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks and sharing ideas. Leaders also play a key role in promoting knowledge management by adopting a less controlling style and creating opportunities for knowledge sharing. Technological advancements provide NGOs with various tools to improve knowledge management, such as collaborative platforms, e-learning platforms, and knowledge-sharing applications. Finally, effective knowledge management requires NGOs to have appropriate systems and structures in place. This may involve adopting a more horizontal organizational structure that breaks down silos and facilitates knowledge exchange. Discover more here.