Network / Collective / Cohort Support Showcases

Business Planning for Growth

Growald Climate Fund


Growald is a high-impact venture philanthropy fund catalysing the rapid transition to a clean energy future. They invest grants in a portfolio of organizations poised to create an outsized impact on the transformation of the electricity sector. They work in partnership with like-minded foundations and nonprofit partners internationally, as well as with academic and policy research institutions.

​Growald believes that philanthropy plays a key role in nurturing new climate solutions, supporting a vibrant civil society, and promoting objective research and analyses for use by governments and key NGO and foundation partners. This support, together with work done by governments and businesses, can help to create the meaningful transformation that is needed for the climate and environment.


Through its early stage grants to social entrepreneurs and innovative climate solutions providers across the globe, Growald supports their grantees over a year, to help them build strong and viable business plans, that then further fuels their ability to grow and scale. In this context Growald has partnered with Phicus as an Organization Development (OD) partner to engage with each of their grantee partners to support them in crafting their business plans.


Phicus is introduced to a new grantee partner, once they are onboarded by Growald. Phicus spends time initially to understand their context and business/research/product/service idea. Over a series of monthly conversations, Phicus helps the grantee leaders in articulating their vision and mission, their unique value proposition, their theory of change and logical framework and an operational plan with targets, milestones and timelines. Aiding this process is a self-help online resource library, set up by Growald, of relevant samples, guidelines and tools to assist the grantee partner in creating their business plans. In its role as an OD partner to the grantee, Phicus plays the role of a coach, guiding and steering the leaders through this process of business plan creation. 

Currently, in its portfolio of grantees, Phicus is working with grantee partners based in South Africa, Kenya, Japan, Columbia and Ukraine.


Phicus continues to be the OD partner for Growald’s portfolio of organizations. Crafting business plans for their growth and scale will continue to be the focus of our work. With expanding grantee partners portfolio, Phicus hopes to understand specific and common needs across the portfolio and make recommendations to Growald on ways to deepen the engagement for greater impact. 

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