• .. Video 11 - 15 mins 11 - 15 mins

Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe? What Makes A Great Leader?

Word Safe Written kept between Palms

Imagine a flock of birds flying in formation. The leader, with its steady rhythm and clear direction, ensures the safety and cohesion of the group. Each bird trusts the leader and the others to navigate the sky together. In the same way, a strong leader in a company creates a safe and supportive environment where employees can soar to new heights.

Simon Sinek, in his TED Talk "Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe," explores the deep-rooted human need for safety and trust within a group. He argues that this primal instinct translates to the workplace as well. Just like our ancestors who relied on each other for survival, employees thrive in an environment where they feel secure and can cooperate.  Click here to read more.