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What are the Fundamentals of an NGO’s Financial Management

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The article emphasizes the importance of sound financial management for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). It highlights several key aspects: Proper Accounting: Maintaining accurate books of account is crucial. Transactions need to be categorized appropriately, separating funding activities, support services, and non-funding activities. This ensures clear financial reporting and compliance with donor requirements, especially for grants. Fraud Prevention: Strong internal controls are essential to minimize misuse of resources and financial irregularities. The article mentions eliminating fraud and theft as a critical aspect of responsible financial management. Donor Accountability: Since most NGOs rely on donations, having transparent financial systems is vital. This builds trust with donors and ensures they understand how their contributions are used. Goal Achievement: Effective financial management allows NGOs to allocate resources efficiently and track progress towards their objectives. Without proper financial planning, it becomes difficult to achieve the organization's mission. By following these principles, NGOs can strengthen their financial health, gain donor confidence, and ultimately fulfill their purpose more effectively. Click here to read more.