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Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback

Steps of having a feedforward conversation

Marshall Goldsmith's article, "Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback," introduces a transformative approach to performance improvement. Traditional feedback often focuses on past errors, which can be demotivating. In contrast, Feedforward emphasizes future development and potential, making the process more constructive and engaging. Feedforward works by offering suggestions for future actions rather than critiquing past behavior. This shift in focus encourages individuals to view their potential rather than dwell on past mistakes. Goldsmith highlights that this method is not only more enjoyable but also more effective in driving positive change. Participants in Feedforward exercises have reported feeling more listened to and less defensive, leading to better communication and a more dynamic work environment. The article provides practical tips for implementing Feedforward, such as focusing on actionable advice and fostering a positive, growth-oriented mindset. By integrating Feedforward into regular performance reviews and daily interactions, leaders can create a more supportive and productive workplace culture. Goldsmith's insights are particularly valuable for managers and executives looking to enhance their leadership skills and drive their teams towards continuous improvement. By adopting Feedforward, organizations can ensure that their feedback processes are not only effective but also uplifting, paving the way for sustained personal and professional growth.

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