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Top 10 Characteristics Every Good Interviewer Has

A group of people sitting together at the table

Have you held a SNOOZE FEST? Full of yawns where every question is a lullaby and every answer that comes out is a just too boring and monotone? Very soon you start feeling like you are at the Boredom Bazaar with a marketplace of mundane questions and uninspiring answers. Want to escape the grind? Be the change you want to see! Become a stellar interviewer. Playing the role of a detective requires a deep dive into the job requirements and uncover the hidden gems that make a candidate the perfect fit. Doing your homework on each candidate to show respect and make the interview more engaging similar to what the candidate needs to come prepared. There are many more valuable tips to show off on your talent as a Maestro in active listening and asking questions that hit the bullseye. Being a question Wizard, besides being a body language reader, Striking a kindness by creating a welcoming atmosphere and much more. Remember: You are also being observed by the Candidate. Combining insights and instincts help to make well-informed hiring choices. Want to learn how?  For more information, please click here.