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The Strategic Thinking Manifesto

A bullseye with an arrow in it with Goals, Plans, and Strategy surrounding the it.

Rich Horwath’s “Strategic Thinking Manifesto” is a wake-up call for managers juggling endless tasks but still struggling to move the needle. Horwath dives into the real challenges of strategy development, like the constant Time Challenge—where strategic thinking gets sidelined in the hustle of daily demands. Then there’s the Commitment Dilemma—getting your team to buy into a strategy they don’t fully grasp can be like herding cats. And let’s not forget that many managers can’t even clearly state their organization’s strategy! Harvard’s David Collis nails it: without a clear objective, scope, and advantage, you’re just spinning your wheels.
Horwath insists that strategic thinking isn’t just another task; it’s about generating insights that drive competitive advantage. But to do that, you need to carve out time, communicate effectively, and be ready to challenge the status quo. Ready to rethink your approach? This manifesto might just change how you lead. Click here to read more