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The Situational Leadership Model

Leadership Connected ideas

The Situational Leadership Model presented in this document argues that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership. Effective leadership depends on the situation, requiring adjustments in leadership styles. Leaders should first identify their key tasks or priorities. Then, they should assess their followers' readiness level, considering their ability and willingness to complete the tasks. Based on this assessment, leaders can select the most appropriate leadership style.The model identifies four leadership styles: Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. Directing involves giving clear instructions and closely supervising followers with low ability and low willingness. Coaching involves providing direction and ongoing support to followers who have some ability but lack confidence. Supporting involves facilitating decision-making for followers who are willing but may not have the full skillset. Delegating involves turning over tasks to followers who are both able and willing. By effectively diagnosing follower readiness and adapting their leadership style, leaders can empower their followers and achieve better results. Click here to read more.