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The Partnership Between Government and NGOs to Improve Public Education

People smiling and standing with technological devices in their hand on a stair case

Imagine S. C. Behar, an IAS officer, as a heroic adventurer on a quest to improve education in Madhya Pradesh. His mission? To spread the magic of "Kishore Bharati," a successful science education program, across the entire state. But here's the twist: the government, which he describes as a "multi-headed hydra" or "Ravana" (yes, the one from Indian mythology), is no easy beast to tame. Undeterred, Behar conjures up an NGO called Eklavya, inspired by Kishore Bharati. With funding from the Department of Science and Technology, Eklavya takes off. However, like any good story, there are skeptics—those who doubt that a government-linked NGO can remain truly independent. But against all odds, Eklavya thrives, becoming a beacon of hope in the field of education.
In this epic saga, NGOs play the role of sidekicks, complementing the government’s efforts to bring quality schooling to all. And thus, Behar’s tale reminds us that even in the land of many-headed monsters, good ideas can prevail! Click here to read more