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The Most Successful Approaches to Leading Organizational Change

Wooden blocks which spells Change and Chance

In "The Most Successful Approaches to Leading Organizational Change," Harvard Business Review serves up a recipe for change management that’s as tasty as it is practical. Imagine leading change like cooking a gourmet meal: you need a great recipe (a compelling vision), a pinch of spice (engaging your team), and a splash of experimentation (tasting and adjusting as you go). First, cook up a story that makes everyone excited about the dish you're preparing—communicate the need for change with flair! Involve your team in the cooking process; it’s their taste buds that matter, after all. Encourage them to try new ingredients (experiment and iterate) and be ready to adapt when something doesn’t quite taste right. And remember, if you want to be the top chef in the kitchen, you need to embody the passion and skills you want to see in your team. In short, lead like a top chef: inspire, involve, experiment, and serve with authenticity.  Click here to read more