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The GROW Model

Grow word spell out with Flowers

The Youtube video talks about the GROW model, a framework used in coaching to assist individuals in achieving their goals. The video uses a scenario where a manager, Kate, uses the GROW model to help her team member, Joe, who is discouraged after delivering a poorly received presentation. GROW is an acronym for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. First, Kate helps Joe define his goal for the presentation. Then, they explore the reality of the situation by discussing what went wrong. Next, they brainstorm options for improvement. Finally, they discuss Willie, Joe's commitment to taking action on the chosen options to ensure a successful outcome in the future. In conclusion, this video uses a clear and concise example to demonstrate how the GROW model can be a valuable tool in coaching sessions. By following these steps, coaches can guide their coaches in setting goals, analysing situations, considering alternatives, and taking action towards achieving their desired results. Want to know more? Click here!