• .. Video 6 - 10 mins 6 - 10 mins

Sustainable community development: from what's wrong to what's strong | Cormac Russell

A diverse group of people collaborating on a giant puzzle with a light bulb icon in the center, symbolizing collective problem-solving and community development

In the TEDxExeter talk "Sustainable Community Development: From What's Wrong to What's Strong," Cormac Russell emphasizes a shift from problem-focused to strength-based approaches in community development. Russell argues that traditional methods often concentrate on deficiencies, which can disempower communities. Instead, he advocates for recognizing and leveraging existing community assets and strengths to drive sustainable development.
Russell introduces the concept of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), which focuses on identifying and mobilizing local resources, skills, and talents. He shares examples of communities that have successfully transformed by building on what they have rather than fixating on what they lack. This approach fosters local leadership, encourages active participation, and creates a more resilient and empowered community.
The talk highlights the importance of changing the narrative from deficits to assets, and how this shift can lead to more effective and sustainable community development. Russell’s insights inspire a move towards a more positive and inclusive way of fostering community growth and resilience. Click here to watch https://youtu.be/a5xR4QB1ADw?feature=shared