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Right Leadership At The Right Time

Divergent Path

The Situational Leadership model, developed by Paul Hersey, throws out the idea of a one-size-fits-all leadership approach. Instead, it equips leaders with a flexible framework to tailor their style based on the needs of their team members. The key concept is follower development, which hinges on a leader's ability to assess an individual's competence (task-related skills) and commitment (willingness to do the task). The model outlines four leadership styles: Directing (high task behavior, low relationship behavior) for low competence/low commitment situations; Selling (high task and relationship behavior) for low competence/high commitment; Participating (high relationship behavior, low task behavior) for high competence/low commitment; and Delegating (low task and relationship behavior) for high competence/high commitment. By adapting their style, leaders can foster engagement, productivity, and development in their team members. Click here to read more.