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Review of Performance Measurement and Management Frameworks in NGOs

Perfomance management and a lot of terms associated to it written on a paper

The paper titled “Performance Measurement and Management in Non-Governmental Organizations” from the IOSR Journal of Business and Management explores the critical aspects of managing and measuring performance within NGOs. It emphasizes the shift from traditional NGO operations, which were primarily driven by ethical-social motivations and technical professionalism, to a more strategic approach that evaluates the efficient and effective use of limited financial and non-financial resources. The authors, Mohammed Abo Ramadan and Elio Borgonovi, argue that the dynamic and risky nature of NGO work environments necessitates robust performance measurement and management systems. These systems must account for multiple perspectives, including project performance, donor agendas, beneficiary needs, and internal effectiveness. The paper reviews various definitions and frameworks of performance measurement and management in the NGO sector. It highlights the importance of these systems in ensuring successful financial performance, efficiency, and effectiveness. The objective is to clarify how different approaches to NGO performance can be applied across managerial processes, thereby enhancing strategy and overall organizational effectiveness.

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