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Resources for Implementing the WWF Project & Programme Standards: Partnerships and Partnership Management

Four People Connecting Four Pieces of Puzzle

The guide starts by explaining what partnerships are and why they are important. It then explores different scenarios where cultivating partnerships might be beneficial. Next, it dives into the how-to aspects of partnership management, outlining a four-step process. The first step involves establishing and reviewing the partnership, which likely covers defining goals, roles, and responsibilities. The second step focuses on determining governance, which could involve setting up committees or management structures. Formalizing the partnership through agreements or contracts is covered in the third step. Finally, the guide emphasizes maintaining strong relationships with partners throughout the collaboration. An annex section provides additional resources, including examples of different partnership management and governance systems. This section details various models like informal management, steering committees, and independent financial management agencies. Another annex offers a tool for auditing partnership relationships.

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