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Recruitment and Selection process in human resource management (Hindi)

Rows of chair with one chair highlighted

Have you seen or know how to dance in a pair? You just have to be delicate, work with another person, yet bring out the best show for the audience.. Else, you may simply step on someone's toes or find yourself getting up from the ground making yourself a laughing stock. Similar to Dance, the delicate dance of recruitment and selection twirls with fate, hoping to find that elusive partner who won’t step on their organizational toes. We unfurl our banners through job ads in newspapers, websites, and job portals, calling forth candidates, summon them for interviews and after the grill and grind, if they survive, they are finally ushered to the infirmary for medical examinations. So there you have it, my dear reader: recruitment and selection are the yin and yang of HR. One beckons, the other judges. Want to know how you handle the Yin and Yang of HR with Peace and poise?  Click here to watch