• .. Video 6 - 10 mins 6 - 10 mins

Project Management Plan for NGO, How to make Project Plan

Elderly men teaching about project management to young collogues

In the YouTube video titled "Project Management Plan for NGO," the speaker stresses the significance of having a well-structured project management plan for NGOs to enhance their professionalism and increase their chances of securing funding. He outlines the steps to create an effective project management plan, starting with obtaining approval from a client or corporation and defining the project's status, budget, and details. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of team onboarding and training. Using the example of an NGO launching 100 women's businesses, he demonstrates a 6-month project timeline, with each business launch having a specific timeline and network building phase. Reporting begins a month after the business launch, and the team utilizes a Gantt chart to manage tasks and monitor progress. The Gantt chart, a project management model that visualizes tasks and their dependencies, is recommended to create using Excel and share with clients to impress and potentially secure funding for future projects. Explore further here.