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Performance Measurement and Management in NonGovernmental Organizations

Perfomance management and a lot of terms associated to it written on a paper

Ever been challenged with setting performance measures and metrics for your team or organization? Did you feeel like this was an exercise similar to writing the constitution all over again? Wanted a magic wand that would make all this truly simple? The article "Performance Measurement and Management in Non-Governmental Organizations," published in the IOSR Journal of Business and Management, examines key aspects of performance management within NGOs. Authored by Mohammed Abo Ramadan and Elio Borgonovi, it addresses the transition from traditional, ethically-driven NGO operations to a strategic approach focused on the efficient use of both financial and non-financial resources. The paper argues that the volatile and high-risk nature of NGO environments demands comprehensive performance measurement and management systems. These systems should consider various perspectives, including project performance, donor expectations, beneficiary needs, and internal effectiveness. Check out the tools and frameworks that demonstrate how different performance management approaches can be integrated into NGO management processes to enhance strategy and organizational effectiveness. 


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