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PATRI Framework for Scaling Social Impact

A person holding a pen trying to create a framework for impact

Picture a smallholder farmer trying to make a living, but the value chain they're part of isn’t working in their favor. That’s where the PATRI Framework comes in. Designed to dig deep into how inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chains really are, it looks at everything from participation and agency to transparency, resilience, and innovation. Think of it as a roadmap for businesses, policymakers, and others to ensure that everyone, especially farmers, women, and marginalized groups, gets a fair shot. By using this framework, you can spot what’s working, what’s not, and where to focus efforts to make the whole system stronger and more inclusive. It’s not just about fixing problems—it’s about driving real change that helps reduce poverty, improve food security, and advance gender equality in rural areas. The PATRI Framework is like a toolkit for anyone serious about leveling the playing field in agricultural development. 

Click here for more on PATRI framework