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Nonprofit Technology Plan: The 10-Step Guide & Template

A vector image of laptop displaying "Comprehensive Technology Plan"

The article discusses the significance of developing a comprehensive technology plan for nonprofit organizations to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. It emphasizes the importance of aligning technology with the organization's mission, goals, and strategies. The planning process begins with conducting a thorough assessment of the organization's current technology infrastructure, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Next, the article suggests involving key stakeholders, including staff, board members, and volunteers, in the planning process to ensure buy-in and support. It advocates for setting clear objectives and priorities, such as improving communication, streamlining operations, or enhancing fundraising efforts, to guide the selection and implementation of technology solutions. Additionally, the article highlights the importance of budgeting for technology expenses, including hardware, software, training, and ongoing maintenance costs. It also stresses the need for regular evaluation and monitoring of technology initiatives to measure their impact and make necessary adjustments. Overall, the article underscores the value of proactive and strategic planning in leveraging technology to advance the mission and impact of nonprofit organizations.

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