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NGO Leadership Development in India

A younger and older person standing next to each other


The article "NGO Leadership Development in India: From Pioneer Founders to Homegrown Leaders" explores the evolution of leadership within non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in India. It examines the transition from reliance on pioneer founders to the emergence of locally grown leaders, reflecting broader shifts in the nonprofit sector. The piece identifies challenges faced by NGOs in developing sustainable leadership pipelines, such as limited resources, succession planning, and capacity building. It highlights the importance of fostering a culture of leadership development within organizations, including mentorship, training programs, and opportunities for skill-building and professional growth. The article also emphasizes the need for NGOs to balance external funding expectations with long-term organizational sustainability, particularly regarding leadership development initiatives. It discusses strategies for overcoming these challenges, such as building partnerships, leveraging networks, and embracing innovative approaches to leadership development. Overall, the article underscores the significance of nurturing indigenous leadership talent within NGOs to drive social impact and organizational resilience in India's dynamic nonprofit landscape.

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