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How to Strengthen Your Engagement with Governments

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Once upon a time in the land of NGOs, there was a wise old owl named Tim who knew the secret to making friends with the mighty government giants. Tim's advice was simple: "Don't be a lone wolf!" He shared 11 magical tips to help NGOs charm the government. First, Tim said, "Always start with the end in mind. Know what you want and how the government can help." Then, he added, "Find champions within the government. They're like unicorns – rare but powerful!"  Tim also warned against the "bypass curse," where NGOs tried to avoid the government altogether. "It's a trap!" he exclaimed. "Instead, build trust, nurture relationships, and work together for a common goal." With Tim's wisdom, NGOs learned to collaborate, leverage resources, and create lasting change. They realized that even the mightiest government giants could be their best allies if approached with the right strategy and a sprinkle of patience. Click here to read more