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How To Make Stress Your Friend?

A relaxed person

In her TED Talk, Kelly McGonigal challenges the idea that stress is always harmful. Once a staunch believer that stress makes us sick, new research changed her mind. She highlights a study of 30,000 adults showing that those who experienced high stress but didn’t view it as harmful had the lowest risk of death. McGonigal discusses a Harvard study where participants were taught to see their stress responses as helpful. Those who did felt less stressed and had healthier heart function during stressful tasks. She also talks about oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” which helps us bond and strengthens our hearts under stress.
McGonigal’s message is powerful: seeing stress as helpful can make us healthier and more resilient. Next time you feel stressed, remember—it’s your body gearing up to tackle a challenge. Watch her talk to transform how you think about stress!

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