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How to collaborate effectively if your team is remote

An image of several men and women sitting around a work space, with laptops and laptop screen with images of people in a meeting


Harvard Business review Video on Remote working teams helps identify the challenges and how to address those effectively. While the scenario of Remote working teams has been progressively evolving in the past decade. Thanks to COVID-19, remote working through electronic media supports has become a norm and not an exception. While we all recognize the key value and benefits of remote working, it also demands a higher level of collaboration and communication. Field teams are a common denominator for most of the CSOs, the interactions between teams is now being resorted to Electronic media such as whats app, slack, emails, sms messaging and meetings on virtual media such as zoom/ google meet and others. Individuals and organizations have become more adept to technology and remote working methodologies. While this is a high point, this also emphasizes the need to refine collaboration and communication skills between one another. Remote working teams face unique challenges that traditional forms of communication, such as texts, emails, and conference calls, are often ill-equipped to handle. Understanding these challenges and developing new strategies is essential for building trust, cohesiveness and accomplishing objectives in remote environments. This video by Harvard Business school emphasizes the value of recognizing the Missing Elements in Digital Communications to strengthen team performance. Factors such as unknown emotions, distractions, interpretation of tone, body language, communication barriers and such affect the collaborative spirit and can become stressful. The monotone using remote methodologies can also lead to decreased morale. The video provides tips to recognize the barriers in remote working and how to improve on positive collaboration.  Click here to watch