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How To Be An Artful Delegator

HGraphical representation of delegation to be an Artful Delegator

Imagine you’re the manager of a marketing team working on a new campaign. Instead of handling all tasks yourself, you delegate the social media strategy to one team member who excels in that area, the content creation to another who has strong writing skills, and the analytics to someone with a knack for data. You provide each person with clear objectives and deadlines, check in periodically to offer guidance, and trust them to execute their tasks. This not only empowers your team but also ensures the project is completed efficiently and effectively. Delegating a task isn't just about offloading the work, it requires a skill and understanding of what to delegate, how much and to whom? This requires tactical play and a strategy. Shawn Murphy explains the art of effective delegation in this article. It is an essential secret to empowering your team, building trust and cohesion. Read more on this Shawn Murphy's art of Delegation. Click here for the article