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How Strong Are Your Influencing Skills

Influence written on a paper

Why does one have to influence? Well, imagine trying to get a cat to take a bath without any persuasion skills. You’d end up soaked, scratched, and with a cat plotting your demise. In the workplace, influencing is like being the office wizard. You can get people to support your ideas, help you with projects, and maybe even convince the boss to finally fix the copying machine or that broken computer which is collecting dust. Without it, you’re just another muggle trying to navigate the corporate maze. Influencing is like having a magical wand that makes things go your way—without the drama. The MindTools article, “How Strong Are Your Influencing Skills?” delves into the supposedly crucial role of influencing skills in both professional and personal spheres. It starts by extolling the virtues of these skills, suggesting they are the magic key to achieving one’s goals whether that’s convincing colleagues to back your ideas or negotiating your way out of a sticky personal situation. Click here to read the article