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Great Managers Can Fix Broken Performance Management Systems

A race


Have you ever felt that One-on-one meetings can be a mixed bag, much like a box of chocolates, cookies or pebbles and you may not know what you may have to bite into? When done right, these meetings are like a well-assorted box of Chocolates ! Energizing but offers control on what you can pick to chew on. The process engages building trust, providing clarity, and fostering open communication. Think of them as your weekly therapy session, minus the couch and hefty bill. The Bad: Without preparation, they can turn into awkward silences and vague promises. It’s like showing up to a wedding, except they don’t know you and you certainly don’t know them and you realize” OOPS! wrong place” … you’re there, but want to run in the opposite direction. The Ugly part is, If mismanaged, these become dreaded calendar events, akin to dentist appointments. Repeated cancellations or lack of follow-up can erode trust faster than a sandcastle at high tide. So, prep like a chef, listen like a therapist, and follow up like a detective. Your one-on-ones will be the highlight of your week, not the horror show. Read more for some tips on enhancing your One-on-One meetings. The article on Friday.app discusses the importance of one-on-one meetings in fostering effective communication and building strong relationships between managers and their team members. Click here to read part 1