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Five Tips for Building High Performance Non-Profit Leadership Teams

Graphical representation of good performance



Ever compared building High performance teams to gardening? For every plant you pick, there is a place, a purpose and a Vision. Role clarity, Just like assigning each plant its own space in the garden, ensure that team members understand their individual contributions to the organization’s goals. Communication , upwards, downwards and even sideways is like ensuring all plants get the right amount of sunlight and water. Open communication and collaboration help leverage diverse perspectives and ideas, much like how different plants benefit from each other. Setting goals is similar to the garden layout and landscaping architecture where there is a place for every plant to improve the look, feel and produce. Investing in Team Development and Capacity Building is similar to improving the soil and provide nutrients for your plants. How to become an Effective leadership team or become a seasoned gardener is not an overnight process. The document "Five Tips for Building High-Performing Nonprofit Leadership Teams" offers insights into creating effective leadership teams within nonprofit organizations. Click here to read