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Confirming bias and the power of disconfirming evidence

Same coloured block seperated from different coloured block indicating Confirmation

"Confirmation bias is a mental shortcut that leads us to favor information that confirms our existing beliefs while ignoring or downplaying information that contradicts them. It's a common phenomenon that can significantly impact our decision-making and our ability to think critically.
For instance, imagine someone who believes that a certain diet is the best way to lose weight. When they come across positive reviews or success stories about that diet, they'll readily accept them as evidence. However, if they encounter research studies that show the diet is ineffective, they might dismiss those studies as flawed or biased. Confirmation bias can be problematic because it hinders our ability to consider all sides of an issue and make well-informed decisions. By being aware of this bias, we can take steps to mitigate its influence. This includes actively seeking out information that contradicts our beliefs and approaching new information with a critical eye."Explore further here.