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Building the Bench at Indian NGOs

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The report "Building the Bench at Indian NGOs" by Bridgespan Group focuses on the critical need for leadership development within Indian non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It highlights the challenges faced by NGOs in recruiting, retaining, and developing talent, particularly in leadership roles. The report identifies key barriers to talent development, such as limited resources, lack of structured talent management processes, and insufficient leadership training programs. Additionally, it underscores the importance of investing in leadership development to address these challenges effectively. Through case studies and interviews with NGO leaders, the report offers insights into successful approaches to building leadership capacity, including mentorship programs, talent pipelines, and organizational culture enhancements. It emphasizes the need for a strategic and sustained effort to cultivate leadership talent within Indian NGOs to drive organizational effectiveness and impact in addressing social issues. Overall, the report provides actionable recommendations for NGOs, funders, and other stakeholders to strengthen leadership development initiatives and build a robust talent pipeline in the Indian social sector.

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