• .. Video 11 - 15 mins 11 - 15 mins

Building Empathy: How To Hack Empathy And Get Others To Care More

Blocks which spells empathy

Empathy is a super skill in leadership and a vital quality to demonstrate by community service organizations. It allows leaders to connect deeply with their teams and communities, fostering trust, collaboration, and a positive environment. Empathy in leadership is like having a radar for people’s feelings, helping to navigate through tough times with compassion and support. It is crucial for understanding and addressing the needs of the community and helps build strong relationships and trust. Psychologist Jamil Zaki argues that empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a crucial skill in today's world. He highlights a decline in empathy and emphasizes that it's not a fixed trait, but a skill that can be nurtured. Want to know how? Click here to watch the video